
Kimberly D - Sand Springs, Oklahoma

"This was a very good panel and I enjoyed this course. "

Joe G

"Great teaching approach. "

Karen B

"Fantastic program! The content was interesting and presented succinctly. The hypothetical scenario was informative and I loved the humor throughout the seminar. "

David L

"That last recommendation for employers to sign up for the IRS's EFTPS is what we do all the time. Good to hear it from the experts."

Alexis H

"This was very interesting and I like webinars like this! "

Susan N - Madison, Alabama

"I really enjoy all of her classes. She is a great speaker and has good slides."


"Very excellent program!"

Steven A

"Outstanding program! Very well thought out and put together. Panel is very knowledgeable and well experienced. Great work to everyone."

Brenda F - Johnstown, Pennsylvania

"Case study example was very unique way to understand how a situation could start and end."

Huifang Z

"Very nice presentation! Fraud case studies are always helpful."