
Eric K - Bourne, Massachusetts

"The instructor was excellent. The names of the participants and companies were very entertaining. "

Nancy P

"I enjoy Dave Cotton's sense of humor regarding his choices for names to replace actual details."

John M - Virginia Beach, Virginia

"David Cotton is a knowledgeable and informative speaker. Please provide future courses conducted by Mr. Cotton."

Debra G - Inman, South Carolina

"One of the best webinars I have watched!"

Cynthia E

"The dual presenters made the presentation very interesting."

Kathlyn J

"Great case study and relevant to topic. Good speaker with extensive knowledge. Good presentation."

Katherine L

"A good review while adding some new things to think about."

Deanna H

"Very good course"

Patricia H

"loved video and interaction/discussion between host and presenter."

Lucy Jane W

"Very engaging I enjoyed."