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Fraud in the Government Environment

Total Credits: 1 including 1 Auditing (Governmental) - Technical

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Accounting and Auditing |  ACPEN Signature
Carole A. Burgess, CPA |  Frank Crawford, CPA |  David R. Bean, CPA |  David L. Cotton, CPA, CFE, CGFM |  Robert Scott, CPA |  William Blend, CPA
Course Levels:


Stay up-to-date on rapidly changing developments by participating in the 2018 Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update! Take advantage of this opportunity to find out about breaking government issues. This is your opportunity to hear about the latest challenges facing governments and practitioners who work with them and audit them, presented by leading experts on governmental accounting and auditing, both those who work in the trenches and those from the regulatory world.

With all of the fiscal, regulatory, and new standards challenges facing governments and their auditors, it is important to keep current on critical issues and developments. From a governmental accounting, auditing, and compliance perspective, 2018 will be a critical year for implementing new standards and requirements! Plus, it is imperative that you start planning ahead for the significant changes coming in 2019 and beyond! Exciting new topics this year include focused discussions on (a) one of the main challenges for Governmental Finance professionals—measuring and communicating the financial health of their organizations, and (b) fraud in governments!

GASB has issued an unprecedented number of standards in the last several years—issuing 16 statements in 2015–2017 and two, so far, in 2018. Now is the time to find out about the details on how these and other recently effective standards will affect governmental accounting and reporting. The ACPEN panel of experts can fill you in on all the latest details you need to know about critical new requirements, implementation issues, and developments.

Recently implemented pension standards and the OPEB standard for plans continue to provide challenges and implementation of the complex new OPEB standard for employers is here now! You’ll get the latest scoop on all the pension and OPEB issues from both the GASB and audit implementation sides—and hear about solutions to those issues. This is not the time to sit on the sidelines—plan and employer management and auditors need to hear the retrospective issues on pension standards and the OPEB plan standard and lay the groundwork to successfully meet the challenges associated with implementing the complex OPEB employer standard.

Governments and their auditors have continuing opportunities for learning more about the critical implementation issues for the various pension and OPEB standards. Plus, auditors face continuing or new challenges in 2018 with implementation issues related to other standards such as debt extinguishment and disclosures, and fiduciary fund reporting—all with a number of audit issues. Plus, now is the time for action to conquer critical implementation issues that affect employers relating to the OPEB standards. Also, you’ll find out about GAO’s proposed changes to the Yellow Book, including the latest on key decisions about what to expect in the final 2018 Yellow Book (including the effective date). At this year’s broadcast, it will be the perfect time to find out the details about how the latest auditing and reporting issues will affect your engagements and practice, including a discussion of crucial implementation issues for government audits.

For Single Audits, the ACPEN panel will cover topics that are relevant to single audits being performed NOW. Following current developments and using the most recent guidance is critical to conducting quality single audits. Hear the details on the latest single audit issues. The ACPEN panel will highlight key issues relating to the Uniform Guidance, as well as the latest guidance on how to use the “skinny” 2018 OMB Compliance Supplement along with the existing 2017 Compliance Supplement, the exposure draft on Data Collection Form changes, and the latest peer review findings relating to single audits. It is critical that auditors understand how requirements have changed and how to effectively use the Compliance Supplements.

New hot topics for 2018 on governmental financial health and fraud in governments are highlighted below!

One of the main challenges for Governmental Finance professionals is measuring and communicating the financial health of their organizations. This session will share with viewers a version of a simple financial analysis and rating tool for use in measuring and communicating the financial health and success of local governments. Using a unique combination of financial ratios, this segment will—

  • help assess a government’s fiscal performance over a period of time.
  • measure the government’s ability to meet its obligations as they become due.
  • determine the government’s ability to continue to serve its constituency at current service levels. The analysis also provides for ratio comparison to prior years and certain industry benchmarks.

Fraud in the governmental arena is a growing problem. The panel will cover recent developments related to internal control and fraud risk management, including:

  • The 2013 Updated COSO Internal Control Framework
  • The Updated GAO Green Book
  • The COSO/ACFE Fraud Risk Management Guide
  • The GAO Fraud Risk Management Framework
  • How and Why Fraud in Government Differs from Fraud in the Private Sector
  • The Federal Government’s Increased Emphasis on Fraud Risk and What State and Local Governments Should Expect to See as a Result

Finally, you’ll receive an update on the most recent accounting and auditing developments affecting governments and government auditors. This includes Single Audit issues, AICPA and Yellow Book implementation issues, new and recently effective GASB pronouncements, audit issues, and a look at what’s on the horizon. Join ACPEN’s panel of experts as they discuss, not only the technical requirements of new standards, but also the key implementation issues that must be addressed by auditors and their governmental clients! Benefit from their experience and insights from many perspectives, as well as their long experience in governmental accounting and auditing.

This broadcast is designed to provide CPE that meets the Yellow Book CPE criteria.

Faculty Interaction! With ACPEN courses, you may send questions to the panel in advance at, and remember, participants can submit questions to the panel during the course and for two days after every ACPEN course, providing unparalleled faculty access!

Basic Course Information

Learning Objectives Find out about the requirements in challenging new standards on OPEB, fiduciary activities, debt disclosures, leases, and other new GASB standards. Find out more about GASB’s OPEB standards for plans and employers, and hear the details about critical implementation and audit issues for plans, employers, and auditors. Hear some hints on how to avoid pitfalls and prepare for a successful implementation of the new OPEB employer standard. (Hear the perspective from a seasoned government finance official that is leading the charge to help governments successfully conquer the complex new OPEB standards!) Hear about the most recent developments affecting single audits, including the 2018 OMB Compliance Supplement
Major Subjects The latest guidance on compliance requirements and single audit reporting, Changes to the “skinny” 2018 Compliance Supplement and guidance on using the 2017 and 2018 Supplements together, Updates on Federal Audit Clearinghouse activities and the Data Collection Form, and Single audit quality issues (including recent peer review findings). Find out about key revisions proposed in the new exposure draft of Government Auditing Standards, including: Proposed format changes; and the potential impact of proposed changes to the CPE requirements, auditor and client competence, and independence requirements relating to auditor preparation of client financial statements. Key concerns in responses from the AICPA and GFOA to the exposure draft—and the latest on key decisions about what to expect in the final 2018 Yellow Book (including the effective date). Discover tools to help with one of the main challenges for governmental finance professionals—measuring and communicating the financial health of their organizations. Find out about a simple financial analysis and rating tool for use in measuring and communicating the financial health and success of local governments. Hear about the latest issues relating to fraud in the governmental arena, including recent developments related to internal control and fraud risk management. Discover how new accounting and auditing standards will affect governments and your government practice, including common implementation issues, reporting issues, and best practices. Hear guidance from experts on how to avoid common single audit deficiencies. Learn the most recent auditing standards, government and Yellow Book/single audit risk alerts, and the latest AICPA audit and accounting guides. Find out what GASB projects are on the horizon.

Course Materials


Carole A. Burgess, CPA Related Seminars and Products

Carole A. Burgess, CPA, is an Executive Editor of PPC products for the Tax & Accounting business of Thomson Reuters, in Carrollton, Texas.  She is an author of PPC’s Guide to Single Audits, PPC’s Guide to Preparing Governmental Financial Statements, PPC’s Governmental Financial Statement Illustrations and Trends, and PPC’s Guide to Religious Organizations, and a contributing author of other guides and continuing education courses.  Carole is also the technical review editor of The PPC Nonprofit Update newsletter.  Ms. Burgess’ experience prior to joining PPC includes eleven years in public practice with Deloitte & Touche, LLP, where she was a senior manager specializing in state and local governments and recognized nationally as a compliance audit specialist relating to the Single Audit Act.  Carole is a frequent presenter to accounting and other professional organizations including the Texas Society of CPAs.    

Frank Crawford, CPA's Profile

Frank Crawford, CPA Related Seminars and Products

Crawford & Associates, P.C.

Frank Crawford, CPA, is President of Crawford & Associates, P.C., Certified Public Accountants, an accounting firm located in Oklahoma City, OK. The firm specializes in providing auditing, consulting and accounting services solely to governmental entities and is a member of the AICPA and the AICPA Government Audit Quality Center. Over the last 39 years, Crawford & Associates has provided a variety of audit and accounting services to all sizes of government including many types of financial statement audits and attestation services, fraud investigations, internal control analysis, accounting policy and procedure development, outsourced internal auditing and internal monitoring, developing management anti-fraud programs and controls, quality assurance reviews, training, and expert witness services. 


Mr. Crawford was the recipient of the Association of Government Accountants (AGA) 2014 Private Sector Financial Excellence Award, an annual recognition of one individual who has been deemed by the AGA to have made significant contributions to the field of governmental financial management.  Frank was also recognized as a recipient of the U.S Graduate School’s “2010 Instructor Excellence Award”. Quoting the U.S. Graduate School officials, “Your students and colleagues, as well as Graduate School Staff, honour and value the work that you do here, as evidenced by the many statements of support that praised your skills. Of the School’s 800+ instructors, you are one of only thirteen who will receive this prestigious award this year.” 


In 2012, Mr. Crawford completed a 4 year term as Chairman of the AICPA Government Expert Panel after serving on the Panel for 11 years, and is currently the Chairman of the Oklahoma Society of CPAs Government Accounting and Auditing Committee (27 years), and has also been involved in a number of other AICPA committees and task forces as they relate to governmental accounting and auditing, including the AICPA Governmental Accounting and Auditing Committee, the AICPA Government and Not-For-Profit Expert Panel, the AICPA Government Performance and Accountability Committee, the AICPA GASB 34 Audit Guide Revision Task Force, and the GASB’s recent Financial Reporting Model revision Task Force. In 2015, Mr. Crawford completed a 4 year term as Chairman of the AICPA’s annual Government and Not-For- Profit Training Conference after serving on the Planning Task Force of the Conference for 18 years. 


Over the years, Mr. Crawford has assisted both the AICPA and GASB in the development of several implementation guides as a member of an advisory group, task force or technical content provider. His experience with GASB 34 implementation and audit issues dates back to June 30, 1999, as auditor of the first general-purpose government in the United States to implement the requirements of GASB 34. 


Mr. Crawford is also currently working with many of the US states, territories, commonwealths and freely-associated compact governments on audit finding resolution and financial analysis projects and also serves as a technical consultant and advisor to a number of Federal Government Agencies.  Frank is a frequent lecturer, trainer and discussion leader for numerous groups, including U.S. Federal Government Agencies, various local and national CPA firms, a number of State Societies, and has also appeared in several AICPA continuing professional education videos and live CPE broadcasts and webcasts related to governmental accounting and auditing. 


Commonly known as Frankie to clients, friends and family, and Pappy to his two grandchildren, Mr. Crawford has two children and two grandchildren, daughter Madison and husband Jon, son Blake, 5 year old grandson Brody, and 3 year old granddaughter Brenley. Mr. Crawford also has the good fortune to be married to Cindy Crawford (not the supermodel, but better). 

David R. Bean, CPA Related Seminars and Products

David R. Bean, CPA, is the chief executive officer of Governmental Accounting Research, LLC, a consulting and training firm dedicated to public sector accounting and financial reporting activities.  Prior to his retirement from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) in March 2021, David served as the GASB director of research and technical activities over 30 years. Prior to joining the GASB in 1990, David worked in public accounting and government. He also has served as Deputy Chairman of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB). He was the lead author on the 1988 Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting (Blue Book) and was the founder of the GAAFR Review newsletter. He was the last director of the National Council on Governmental Accounting before the formation of the GASB in 1984. David is a member of the Government Finance Officers Association, the Connecticut and Illinois Government Finance Officers Associations, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Illinois CPA Society, the Association of Government Accountants, the National Federation of Municipal Analysts, and the Municipal Analysts Group of New York. 

David L. Cotton, CPA, CFE, CGFM's Profile

David L. Cotton, CPA, CFE, CGFM Related Seminars and Products

Chairman of Cotton & Company LLP

David L. Cotton, CPA, CFE, CGFM, is an accountant with Cotton, a Sikich Company, headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. He has performed grant and contract, indirect cost rate, financial statement, financial related, and performance audits for more than two dozen Federal inspectors general as well as numerous other Federal and State agencies and programs.

Dave received a BS in mechanical engineering (1971) and an MBA in management science and labor relations (1972) from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. He also pursued graduate studies in accounting and auditing at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business (1977 to 1978).

Dave served on the Advisory Council on Government Auditing Standards (the Council advises the United States Comptroller General on promulgation of Government Auditing Standards—GAO’s yellow book) from 2006 to 2009. He served on the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls Task Force and co-authored Managing the Business Risk of Fraud: A Practical Guide. He served on the American Institute of CPAs Anti-Fraud Task Force and co-authored Management Override: The Achilles Heel of Fraud Prevention.

Dave is the past-chair of the AICPA Federal Accounting and Auditing Subcommittee and has served on the AICPA Governmental Accounting and Auditing Committee and the Government Technical Standards Subcommittee of the AICPA Professional Ethics Executive Committee.

Dave chaired the Fraud Risk Management Task Force, sponsored by COSO and ACFE and is a principal author of the COSO-ACFE Fraud Risk Management Guide. Dave has testified as an expert in governmental accounting, auditing, and fraud issues before the United States Court of Federal Claims and other administrative and judicial bodies. He has been an instructor for the George Washington University masters of accountancy program (Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting), and has instructed for the George Mason University Small Business Development Center (Fundamentals of Accounting for Government Contracts).

Dave was the recipient of the ACFE 2018 Certified Fraud Examiner of the Year Award (“presented to a CFE who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the field of 2 fraud examination … based on their contributions to the ACFE, to the profession, and to the community”).


Robert Scott, CPA's Profile

Robert Scott, CPA Related Seminars and Products

Bob Scott, CPA is Executive Director of Administrative Services for the Town of Prosper, Texas where his responsibilities include all aspects of the City’s financial operations, Information Technology, Human Resources, Municipal Court and Utility Customer Service.  Mr. Scott, a CPA, began his career in public accounting, ultimately serving as an audit manager with responsibility for numerous local government clients. He has extensive experience in accounting and financial reporting issues having served on various GASB review committees and taskforces including the pension taskforce. He has been active in GFOA for many years serving both as Chairman of the Committee for Accounting Auditing and Financial Reporting and on the GFOA Executive Board.   Also, as an active member of the AICPA, he has served as a member of the State and Local Government Expert Panel and has authored the AICPA course:  GASB 68 Pension Accounting and Auditing Seminar. In 2008 the AICPA named him the outstanding CPA in local government.  At the state level, he has twice received GFOA of Texas Outstanding Finance Officer Award and is a Past President.  He currently serves as a Trustee for the Texas Municipal Retirement System. 

William Blend, CPA's Profile

William Blend, CPA Related Seminars and Products

William Blend, CPA, CFE, heads MSL’s Governmental Practice Group. He has over 30 years of public accounting experience. This experience includes extensive work in auditing and consulting with governmental entities including municipalities, counties, school boards, and special districts. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner. He has performed multiple litigation and consulting engagements involving fraud and other forensic accounting issues. Bill Is a member of the Florida Board of Accountancy and currently serves at the Board Chair. He is also a member of the AICPA State & Local Government Expert Panel. He’s authored numerous CPE courses and has instructed CPE sponsored by the AICPA, FGFOA, the FICPA, and others, including ACPEN.

Additional Info

Basic Course Information

Prerequisites None
Advanced Preparation None
Original Recording Date 07/18/2018
Yellow Book Yes
Course Developer Business Professionals' Network, Inc.
Date Added to Catalog 01/29/2018
Designed For Industry and Public Practice

Additional Information

Complaint Resolution Policy Please contact Anne Taylor for any complaints., (972-377-8199).
Official Registry Statement Business Professionals' Network, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
Instructional Delivery Method Group Internet Based
Course Registration Requirements Online Registration
Refund/Cancellation Policy Please contact the ACPEN help desk 1-877-602-9877 or if you wish to cancel your attendance for a previously purchased webcast and are requesting a refund or transfer.



Overall:      4.5

Total Reviews: 246


Robert Biggs R

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Martin C - RICHARDSON, Texas

"Thank you..."

Hamza Memon H

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Douglas D - Springtown, Texas

" "

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David S

" "

Patrick K - Houston, Texas

"My first try of Internet - the program was outstanding. "

Nicole N

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Leticia F

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Clifton Hill C

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