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Michael Bertaut

Michael Bertaut is a Certified Health Consultant and Professional of the Academy of Healthcare Management.  He has 25 years of Analytical Experience in the Healthcare, Telecom, and Retail Sectors.  In 2007 his collaboration on a Position Paper; “Doctor Populations in Post-Katrina New Orleans” was honored with a Lantern Award, the highest honor given by the Southern Public Relations Federation. In May of 2010, he was asked to join the editorial board of the Healthcare Journal of Baton Rouge.  In September of 2010 he was invited as a keynote speaker to the International Medical Tourism Conference in Los Angeles. He now sits on the Advisory Board of the National Healthcare Reform Conference and Magazine. Michael is a financial modeler and forecaster, responsible for predicting membership activity for over 1 million Louisianans who are members of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana. Since April of 2009 Michael has engaged in over 500 public discussions on Healthcare Costs and the Impact of Healthcare Reform with stakeholder groups ranging from healthcare policy makers in Washington to your local public service clubs. Michael earned his MBA and BA from Louisiana State University and just celebrated his 30th year as a cancer survivor.  He’s been married to the very patient Marla for 26 years and they have three children. Michael is currently employed as Healthcare Economist and Exchange Coordinator for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana.