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Ronald L. Durkin, CPA/CFF, CFE, CIRA

Ronald L. Durkin, CPA/CFF, CFE, CIRA, founded Durkin Forensic in 2008 after retiring from KPMG LLP where he was the National Partner in charge of fraud and misconduct investigations and served as Western Region forensic practice leader. Ron’s career spans 35 years and includes more than 10 years as a special agent with the FBI. Ron is a Certi?ed Public Accountant with a Certi?cation in Financial Forensics, a Certi?ed Fraud Examiner, and a Certi?ed Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor. In 2007, he received the ?rst-ever lifetime achievement award in Forensic Litigation Services from the American Institute of Certi?ed Public Accountants. Ron holds a B.S. in Accounting and an MBA (with emphasis in Accounting) from California State University, Sacramento.