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Daniel Porter

Daniel Porter, CFE, has conducted and managed civil and criminal investigations for over 25 years as a licensed private investigator, a loss prevention manager, and as an investigator and investigations manager with the State of Tennessee.  He currently provides training and consulting services in the areas of fraud prevention-detection-investigation as well as ethics, productivity, and leadership.

Daniel is a Cum Laude graduate from Middle Tennessee State University's Criminal Justice Program and has been a Certified Fraud Examiner for over 20 years.  He has provided training at AGA, AASHTO, CFE, GFOA, IIA, IIMC, P2F2, and NASACT conferences in the United States and Canada as well as for governmental agencies and professional organizations in various states including the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the Kentucky League of Cities, the Wyoming Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers, the Indiana CPA Society, the Oregon Society of CPAs, and the Florida Institute of CPAs.  He is a guest lecturer at Middle Tennessee State University and the Vanderbilt University School of Law. 

Product Type
Live Webcast Replay

ACPEN Signature 2025: The Risk of Fraud in State & Local Government

Total Credits: 8 including 8 Auditing (Governmental) - Technical

Average Rating:
ACPEN Signature |  Accounting and Auditing |  ACPEN Industry Institute
Frank Crawford, CPA |  David L. Cotton, CPA, CFE, CGFM |  Mr. Dennis F. Dycus, CFE, CPA, CGFM |  Daniel Porter |  Cindy Byrd
8 Hours
$250.00 - Webcast

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